Media Guide & Advertising Opportunities

If you would like to advertise your company's products and services on this website, please contact
American in Britain magazine was launched in 1983 and has been published by the current owner, Helen Elliott, since 1996. It is a well-established and respected title within the American community.
We can help grow your brand and awareness with this niche readership through advertising, article sponsorship, directory listings, website listings, newsletter entries and event sponsorship.
Call us now on 0208 661 0186 or email to discuss the various marketing opportunities we can offer you.
Our Media Guide can be viewed here

Print & Digital magazine – American in Britain magazine

Regular Articles Include:
- Tax, Wealth Management, Health, Legal, Dentistry & Education articles critical for American expats in Britain written by experts in their field
- UK Sports for Americans wanting to understand sports from a UK perspective
- American Women’s Clubs News, Updates & Upcoming Activities
- US Embassy Updates
- Days Out With the Family
- Hotel & Eating Out Reviews, Theatre Reviews, Travel Reviews
- Arts & Antiques
- Property Features
- Special Articles and interview with Americans in the UK sharing their stories and experiences
- Take Five – tips and things to do
- Directory of Useful Numbers highlighting relevant organisations and their services
- Reader Competitions & Offers


American in Britain magazine is a FREE annual subscription offered to any American living in the UK – sent to just over 10,000 subscribers each quarter and a further 10,000 are sent to The American Embassy, Relocation & Moving Companies, American Women’s Clubs, American & International Schools, Colleges & Universities, The American Church in London, Estate Agents in areas heavily populated by American families, Alumni associations, British American Business, and International HR professionals in companies with a large number of American expatriates.
The magazine is published online via Issuu, and is viewable on and - every advertisement and bio box is hyperlinked; articles are individually loaded to via a relevant page or the blog.
The magazine and content is also supported via our social media channels.
Sponsored subscriptions campaign available
American in Britain magazine is offered as a free, annual subscription.
Through sponsoring our bi-annual subscriptions campaign, you can receive access to our reader database and receive leads to whom you directly promote and advertise your business or services.
This campaign also provides significant brand awareness opportunities. Our reader data is confidential, and is only shared with the sponsor of the campaign. Contact us for further details.
Website established in 1999 and is the key resource for any American moving to, or living in Britain
Website comprises over 20 Useful Advice pages – all educational and written by experts in their field with useful links and information, including Schools, Health, Insurance, Finance, Tax, Serviced Apartments, Lettings, Theatre & Moving.
Advertising on the website via sponsored pages or logo hyperlink can help generate traffic to your website, and subsequently enquiries. Annual logo hyperlinks (£350) and sponsored pages available.
Monthly Email Newsletter
Monthly email newsletter sent to over 3,000 registered subscribers on the 1st of each month highlighting business relevant to the community, events, activities, information, Women’s Clubs updates, Arts Listings. Your organisation can advertise in the newsletter from £600 an entry
Each entry is run via our social media channels, and can comprise of up to 500 words and an image with contact details/web link
Advertising rates:
- Eighth page £450
- Sixth page £650
- Quarter page £1000
- Half page £1750
- Full page £2800
- Inserts: Rates available upon request

Mechanical Requirements:
- Full page 297 x 180mm (with 3mm bleed all around)
- Half page 130 x 180mm (horizontal)
- Quarter page 130 x 85mm
Copy Deadlines
Get In Touch
Please feel free to email or call 020 8661 0186.
If you would like to book a logo hyperlink, sponsor a page or provide content on this website, please contact us.